Friday, 19 August 2016


White Crested Heron & Chicks

The Three French Hens

The Returning 3

The Returning 2

The Returning

The Old Man's Chair

The Inlet

The Hawkdun Range

Yellow Head Cementary

Staff Of Life

South City, Dunedin

Silver Eyes

Silver Eyes Feeding

Oyster Catcher

McNally Rd, Otago

Otago Harbour Mouth

Otago Harbour Entrance

Kupotai Childhood


For Joe

In My Mother's Kitchen

In My Father's Shed

Flight over the inlet

Dunedin Varsity Flats

The Neptune

The Mole at Aramoana

The Journey

MacAndrew Bay Beach

The Artist's Chair

It was a very good year

Dunedin, Mt Cargill

And the fish came in boxes

Four Winter Breakfasts

Albatross & Chick